Monday, May 20, 2013

Faith like a child.

I am constantly reminding myself to see my Lord through the eyes of a child.  This faith is so pure.  So trusting.  So intimate.  God wants us to know Him.  And He wants us to open our hearts to Him without reservation.  That is what children do.  They have a desire to be loved.  And they open up their hearts to all in order to receive this love.  Their joy comes from knowing love and loving in return.  Every day is an adventure, an unknown arrival of surprises and joys, a day to play and laugh and be held by a mother or father, a day to seek knowledge driven by honest curiosity, a day to live in love.  I am blessed to have little ones in my life who constantly remind me how wonderful this life is.  We need only to seek it.

God cannot help but love us.  He doesn't know how to not love us.  He is love.  All He asks is that we receive this love and love in return.  He wants to hold us and wipe away our tears; he wants to forgive us and show us how beautiful we are; he wants us to know our worth and value.  We are enough because He created us... for that reason alone, we have worth, we have dignity, we are called.  If the world loved and received love as children do, what a beautiful word this would be.
Ponder love today.

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