Friday, July 1, 2016

Día Número 47

El último.

Today, as I've already heard, you will be back in the states and sleeping cosily in Mary Katherine Lanterman's bed. I'll be at my cabin with no signal, but the assurance that you will actually have cell phone service for the first time in 47 days. Stupendous.

I probably should come up with a great, well thought-out post for the last day, but frankly, I've overestimated my stamina when I started these, and I'm very glad to be done! I love the idea that I've communicated with you everyday and assured you of my love and prayers, but other than that, I am certainly not cut out for the blogging life - at least not while having a quiet summer at home! Though I'm very content to have the highlights of my day be the walk with the dog and my mom's dinner, they don't make for compelling blog posts, and I'm too tired at night to be very creative about it!

Nonetheless, I held up and blogged every day for 47 days, and now you are home and have some tangible evidence of my commitment to show for it. The tan may fade and the blisters will heal, but the blog posts will live on in evidence of your European escapade! ;)

Since I'm sort of skimping today, though, I'll add some dramatic pictures before I sign off!

Actually, I frankly don't like this image.

Let's try again. 

 Because who really cares about Europe anyways??

Except that, like, it was freakin' awesome that you walked the Camino!!


Ponder love today.

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