Thursday, January 28, 2016

Your Last Day!

It's your last day in Poland, huh?

I am so grateful Jesus gave you this opportunity!  I can't wait to hear about all the amazing things you saw and learned while you were on this adventure.

But most of all I am excited to just be around you again!  You are such a light in my life.  I see Jesus in you and am loved by Jesus through you.  I can't wait to just be and hang out!

Ideas of fun things to do when you get caught up on your sleep and are not overwhelmed by the transition back to America:

1. ice skating
2. henna tattoos
3. draw on Colleen's face while she is sleeping
4. make Valentine's Day cards for Caroline and Lizzy
5.make homemade pizza, watch a movie, and drink wine/Diet Dr. Pepper
6. color with markers
7. eat pancakes and watch That's So Raven

I will be praying for your flight back home!  Safe travels mi pequeno amigo mono...Espero que usted todavia tiene el pelo cuando vuelvas.

P.S. Colleen is going gluten and dairy free. This is what we having been living with...

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Rend Collective and More!

Laurel Ann Eyer,

Updates from Princeton:

1. Colleen is currently wearing a groutfit and singing "I've got my groufit!  I've got my groufit on!"

2. Anne and Colleen have been binge watching Sherlock Holmes episodes on Netflix.

3. I recently came across a new Rend Collective song I really like.  It is called More Than Conquerors. GET EXCITED FOR THE CONCERT!!!! :) :) :)

4. Risa Peine left for Europe.  She emailed me a few days ago and told me this really awkward story I thought I would share with you.  (As told in the words of Risa Peine:)

We were staying in a hostel in Krakow and they advertised a 'continental breakfast' as part of the room package, so of course, we went straight for the free food.  It turns out that the breakfast was served family style in the hostel's tiny kitchen.  Thus, bread, jam, butter, instant coffee and cornflakes were sitting in the center of the 6 person table in the middle of the kitchen.  When we were sitting there munching on our bread, an asian girl came in and started making toast.  She made a total of 8 pieces of toast and also had cornflakes.  She was the most petite girl I have ever seen, but she put away food like a beast.  Then, an Australian girl came in and went about her breakfast quietly, so the room was in silence except for munching noises.  Then, an asian boy ( I am not trying to be racist, just describe the situation) came in and looked around, startled that so many people were there.  He quickly put his head down and shuffled toward the toaster.  Without looking at anyone, he toasted two pieces of bread and put jam on the first piece.  As he was eating that one, he got embarrassed and decided not to put jam on the next one and just ate it toasted and plain, looking down at the table the whole time.  Still hungry, he put another piece of toast in the toaster, but couldn't handle the pressure of waiting and popped it out early to just eat it.  Finally, he grabbed a plain piece of bread and ate it straight, never looking at any of us and trying to take up as little space as possible.  As if the situation could get better, another guy came in and put toast in the toaster, then sat down to wait.  However, the silence in the room made his so uncomfortable that he got up and started pacing back and forth and looking out the window.  Of course, then his toast seemed to take even longer.  Haha, the whole time I almost died of laughter, but also could only look around me in amazement.  

5. Dr. Boyle already gave us homework via email.  Booooooooo.

6. Katie McClureface turned 22 yesterday and had a party.  I got to see Meg Thompson there!  (I literally never see that woman).  I tried to convince her that I should be on her volleyball didn't go over too badly.  (Is that a word???)  Also I discovered a vent hole in the floor of Loretta and Kaitlyn's bedroom upstairs.  I played a really fun game of singing "Jesus loves you" loudly through the hole to the people downstairs who would look around confused.

7. Colleen has pooped twice today.

Hold on to the Lord's promises, mi pequeno pollo.  Ponder LOVE today!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

More pictures :)

You got a letter in the mail!!!!

I can't wait until you come home! :)  One more week chica!


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

A Thousand Words

Because I think you might be getting sick of reading my posts...and they say a picture is worth a thousand words, right?

So here are a few pictures for you.  Even though you said you are doing pretty well, I continue to go to daily mass and pray a rosary every day for you.  You fight like a lion and have the endurance of wild horses. <3  I love you.  Ponder Love's creations today.

Because this picture is awesome.

Because this picture speaks to my heart.

Because this is how the real bachelor should be.

Because Paolo.

Because everyone needs a friend who can fit a raisin in her dimples.
P.S. To see the video click here:

No caption needed.

Because even though I am a lion, I still occasionally feel like a zebra.

Because I believe in the power of prayer and so do you.  Also because of Love.

Monday, January 18, 2016

“To love thee Jesus, I have but today.”

Laurel, I survived my first ever silent retreat!  

How good is our God?  I feel rested in His peace.  It was such a beautiful experience.  Jesus desired me to come closer and stay longer than I usually do.  I am so grateful He gave me the strength and courage to say YES to a retreat at Pacem.  There was nothing in particular about my time on retreat which took me by surprise or made for a crazy experience.  But it was so intentional and filled with love.  My soul is renewed.  I am made new because I asked Him to make me new.  He gave me a new heart and we just spend time together.

It took me a while to calm my soul and quiet my thoughts.  I slept quite a bit the first afternoon.  I didn’t really want to walk outside for fear of freezing to the sidewalk. (Side note: the worst part about the retreat was the outdoor bathroom.  I am not beneath going in an outhouse, but it is a whole different experience when your butt cheeks freeze to the seat. L)

The hermitage I stayed at was named after St. Paul and it was so cozy.  I turned the heat up to 80 degrees and cuddled in a rocking chair with blankets and slippers.  Pacem had an exercise room which I took advantage of.  It was a nice indoor alternative to the three miles of outdoor walking trails.  (The temperature got down to 15 below so I nixed that option!)…This also gave me an opportunity to keep up with my PT exercises. 

St. Paul hermitage (from Pacem in Terris website)

The library was beautiful and I checked out a book of poems written by St. Therese.  In particular I prayed with “My Song of To-day”.  I have included it below, although I had a different translation (Alan Bancroft) which I liked better.  I can’t find it online but here is a picture of the book cover:

For the most part I tried to just sit and be.  I meditated on a number of scripture readings including The Woman with the Hemorrhage (Mark 5:21-34), Fasting (not fasting around the bridegroom; Mark 2:18-22), and Dependence on God (Luke 12:22-34).  I got to speak with Kaitlyn Gathje on the phone today for a while.  We talked about her first trip to Pacem.  She is such a wise woman and it was so wonderful to catch up!  (Ironically she was supposed to go to Pacem this weekend as well but rescheduled last minute!  Also ironically she is going to be walking the Camino in September!)

Know of the continued prayers I said for you on my retreat, mi pequeño pavo!  I added your name to a basket of intentions at Our Lady of Pacem chapel which over 700 prayer partners commit to praying for every day.

Peace be with you!  Ponder LOVE and His Mercy today!!!!!!!

P.S. I brought your pillow with me on the is just so darned comfortable!

My Song of To-day!

Oh! how I love Thee, Jesus! my soul aspires to Thee —
And yet for one day only my simple prayer I pray!
Come reign within my heart, smile tenderly on me,
To-day, dear Lord, to-day.

But if I dare take thought of what the morrow brings —
That fills my fickle heart with dreary, dull dismay;
I crave, indeed, my God, trials and sufferings,
But only for to-day!

O sweetest Star of heaven! O Virgin, spotless, blest,
Shining with Jesus’ light, guiding to Him my way!
O Mother! ‘neath thy veil let my tired spirit rest,
For this brief passing day!

Soon shall I fly afar among the holy choirs,
Then shall be mine the joy that never knows decay;
And then my lips shall sing, to heaven’s angelic lyres,
The eternal, glad To-day!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Hello Little One!

Hello Little One!

I continue to freeze my butt off over in my little part of the world.  I am wondering how it is in Poland?  Google tells me it is currently 30 degrees in Warsaw.  This sounds wonderful!!!  I have broken two space heaters as of yet but have faith in my third.  So far it has been a trooper!

Physical therapy continues for me.  I had my fourth appointment this afternoon and have started “upping” the exercises I do.  My IT band (lliotibial band: extends from outside the pelvis over the hip and under knee) is extremely tight and my PT has been massaging it during the last few sessions.  One of those pains that hurts so good….

Yesterday at work I was assigned a new case; a young female who has been in the system for a number of years and refuses to show at court.  I went in this morning to begin tracking her down and learning her story.  Day one: I found out she attempted suicide last night and is currently in the hospital.  This isn’t her first attempt.  As of now she won’t be released.  They will probably transition her right to in-patient treatment.  Please pray for her!  (Child protection is involved which is never good, so pray for her family as well.)

Yet, the Lord is so faithful.  This morning in prayer I sat with HOPE.  (This was before I found out about the young woman mentioned above).  Jesus knew I would be finding out shortly, so He gave me hope.  I reflected on how beautiful a time of darkness is because only in times of trial are we given the gift of hope.  Fr. Jacques Philippe says love cannot exist without hope, because hope nourishes love.  Hope brings freedom.

I am going on a personal retreat this weekend at Pacem.  I will be there about 48 hours.  Please pray that I can receive whatever Jesus desires for me.  This is my first personal retreat and I am psyched!  Also pray I don’t freeze to death.

Sending you a spiritual bouquet!  A beautiful bouquet for a beautiful human being.  Three masses, three rosaries, and two divine mercy chaplets coming your way.

Anne is eating your taco shells for dinner.  I would yell at her but I have been eating your cheerios for breakfast…

Also on a sad note: Alan Rickman died.  I am not sure if you have heard.  In memory of the great actor we must have a Rickman marathon when you get back!  So far here is my list:
1.     Die Hard J
2.     Sense and Sensibility (I am reading it right now!)
3.     Love Actually
4.     Robin Hood: Men in Tights
5.     All HP movies (obviously)
6.     Sister Act 1 & 2 (Alan Rickman is not actually in these films.  I just want to watch them)

In honor of Alan Rickman

I want to tell you two more important things.
1. Final decision: I said no to camp.
2. Final decisionI am going on the Camino this summer.
(3. I would love to go on the Camino with you.  Pray about it.)

I love you so much!  Ponder LOVE today and enjoy these videos I made for you!

In Christ, 
the (frozen) mangy feline.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Casual Life Update.

Sometimes I get really discouraged at work.  I feel like I am not really doing anything to help the kids I work with.  I know I can have honorable intentions, but honorable intentions don't stop kids from doing what they want.  It's hard to visit the same kids day in and day out and feel like I am getting nowhere.  But on the other hand, it's not really fair for me to expect any of these kids to meet my goals and standards.  Still, I feel like I waste my time trying to encourage and build up these teens who tune me out.  I don't sit and lecture them...I really do try to engage in conversation...but more often then not they end up skipping school and getting into trouble regardless of anything I do.  I am slowly learning how little I am.  (I used to think I liked the feeling of littleness.)  In actuality, I like being the hero.  I like feeling like I have "saved" someone.  God is teaching me I cannot save; I can only love.

Grrrrrr....real life lessons. ;)

In other news, I went home for the weekend.  My uncle's 50th birthday was this week so my mom organized a family train ride.  We took the amtrak from Winona to Lacrosse (about a 20 minute ride).  The kids had a blast!  Lucas ran after a large black man screaming "Daddy!"  (Classic Lucas.  Just goes to show what my brother looks like at a glance.).  He also wouldn't leave the cat alone and got scratched in the face.  I asked Jack what happened and he told me Lucas got the owie from him.  Liar.

Lucas' battle wounds.

I got to spend quite a bit of time with Evelyn.  She is pretty mobile these days and such a squirmer.  This made Mass rather difficult on Sunday.  She grabbed my dress at one point when she was sitting on my lap.  Then I stood up and lifted her to my hip....up came the dress.  #awkward.

Paul had a cold this weekend and got snot over everything.  Rose had a couple of bloody noses as well.  (She also kept checking her tummy at the restaurant trying to see if it was getting any bigger.)  Bella let me tie a balloon in her hair during Thomas' baptism party.  She looked like one of those cell phone commercials where you can track your family and friends' locations.

Last night I had a sleepover with Megan Hastings.  It was so good to see her.  She just got back from her trip to Rome.  She made calzones, I dyed her hair, we gave each other back rubs, and we ended up sleeping in her roommate’s bed.  I slept like a baby.  It was so warm.

Jesus has been pulling me close.  I pray for you constantly.  Don't worry about responding back to me.  I am not really sure if you read these blog posts, but I guess I will find out eventually. :)  Two more rosaries and two more masses for you, my dear. ++++

Live FEARLESS and FREE and Ponder Love Today!

P.S. Los Vikingos perdimos L  Fue triste.  Thomas lloró.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Three Things...

This post will be short.

I have three things to say.
1. I love you soooooo much.
2. I prayed another rosary for you today.
3. I had to look up the word verbose after reading your email.

Ponder LOVE today, little girl. <3

Friday, January 8, 2016

Heal Me

The Lord doesn't do anything half way.  When the Lord heals us, He heals the places of our heart that we didn't know needed to be healed.

Lord, if it is your will,

Mass and rosary offered up for you chica! ++

Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Air Hurts My Face.

Do you remember the morning before we went to get coffee and breakfast at Bene?  I accidently slept in and Anne and Colleen put up the “Merry Christmas” ribbon above our door.  You were trying to finish up a section of your project with MK and I kept throwing gold fish at you…Well I found one of those goldfish today.  And I am pretty sure it was from that exact morning based upon the location I found it in.  Also I ate all the malt balls you gave me for Christmas, but I can’t bring myself to eat the red one.  So I am going to leave it on your nightstand.  (If anyone should eat Rudolf’s nose, it’s you.)

Yesterday evening after mass I was walking home and passed by the skating rink across from Widmer’s grocery.  There was a youth hockey game going on and it was snowing outside!  I stopped and watched it for as long as my body could take J  It was so fun!  I took a picture for you.  (I had to send it to Colleen so she could send it to my email.)

Another mass for you, mujer. + And I am praying a divine mercy chaplet before bed as well! +
Please offer up some prayers for a few individuals from St. Charles.  I just learned about a car accident and a divorce and both need extra graces!

Tomar buenas decisions and don’t forget to Ponder Love Today!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Ponder His Promises

I am still thinking of you and praying for you. +

Ponder not only love today, but also know of His promises.

"I call with all my heart; Lord, answer me.  I will observe your statues.  I call upon you; save me, and I will keep your decrees.

I rise before dawn and cry for help; I have hoped in your word.  My eyes awaken before dawn, to ponder your promise."

-Psalm 119: 145-148

+Rosary +Mass

Monday, January 4, 2016

Alive & Well


I am glad to hear from you…FINALLY!  Even if it was only two words.  J  Anne found you in a picture on Facebook at a dinner with your class.  (I am glad to see you smiling and hope that you are feeling more peace now that some of the anticipation is over.)  I continue to pray.  It worries me slightly that I cannot know really how you are doing.  I just have to wait this one out.  But you have this morning’s mass, last night’s rosary, and a car rosary during work today.

As for me…
I cannot tell you how much joy I felt being able to spend time with Lizzy.  As soon as I saw her out the window, I ran outside to scoop that little woman up!  I could not hold back my tears.  I was filled with love and the Holy Spirit.  She could not stop laughing.  It was a beautiful moment and I am forever holding it close to my heart.  I got to hear many of the ins and outs of their life so far and I can’t wait to share them with you!  We sat on the couch eating popcorn, drinking tea, and just talked.  I shared with her my life this past semester and the movements of my heart.  She is such a good listener and knows exactly what to say.  And guess what else…SHE SIGNED MY BED!!!!!!!  It is right above where I sleep and it has already brought me smiles after I am tucked in.  (Anne was honored because Lizzy slept in her bed.)  Lizzy enjoyed our Christmas blanket fort and thought our house was great!  Fun fact: She has to wear her skirt and vest ALL the time…I mean ALL the time…as in picture her running on a treadmill in that thing! They have three treadmills for the nine postulants and they get an hour of rec time every day after lunch.

I got to go to the CCR gathering with Lizzy and the Peine family!

More good news!  I had my first session of physical therapy this morning.  It lasted about an hour and they did all these different “test” exercises to examine my body.  It was pretty fascinating.  I always thought I was pretty strong and athletic…haha!  Here are the main issues:

1.    When I broke my leg, I should have received physical therapy.  Typically the body works opposite and upwards in response to injuries.  Because I broke my right leg slightly above the ankle, my PT is not surprised that I have knee pain in my left knee.  In fact, given time, I might have started to notice pain in my right hip after that.
2.     I have no hip muscle.  This might be slightly genetic due to my mom having to get both of her hips replaced before she was 50.  My hip muscles and butt muscles are the main areas we are going to focus on these next six weeks (along with some core).
3.      My body hyper-extends.  I can bend my fingers back and to the side too far.  My hips pop out of joint when I stand leaning to the side.  My knees and ankles are a bit loose and also pop frequently.

    Basically all of these factors adds up to me standing, running, and walking incorrectly.  My knee was just the indicator.  Hopefully after six weeks, she will reassess my progress and be pleased.  Until then, hello rubber bands and butt squeezes!

    Finally, it was my first day back at work.  I got to see Carissa today.  We usually have a pretty good relationship, but today was hard.  She was extremely rude and basically told me to leave her house.  I don’t really know what I did or what I could have done different. 
    I wonder why she pushes people away.  What is she afraid of?  Does she think I am going to hurt her?  Does she not trust me?  I can tell she is a slave to something.  How do I love her?

                                                     I need to PONDER LOVE TODAY.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Helen is Lonely.

It is 2 am in Poland, but I am not sure if you have quite made it there yet.  I don’t know how many connecting flights you had and how long it actually takes.

I prayed for you today in front of the Blessed Sacrament.  As soon as you left this morning I felt very lonely.  It’s a funny thing…loneliness.  I was washed with a kind of emptiness.  I have been experiencing this a lot lately, especially over Christmas break.  Loneliness is such an uncomfortable thing.  I feel awkward and restless.  So I sat in front of the Blessed Sacrament and let the loneliness happen.  I know the Lord joined me in my solitude today.  I prayed a rosary for your travels.  I pictured you on the plane practicing your deep breathing.  I hope you felt some peace from my prayers. 

After prayer I wandered around the basement of Nativity for a while.  (Again…I didn’t want to go home to an empty house.)  I found a nice little closet that leads into a tight corridor which runs along the inside of the church.  It is extremely warm because the furnace pipes line the wall.  I think I might go exploring there again soon. 

I am waiting for Lizzie to arrive any minute.  I am SO FLIPPIN EXCITED TO SEE HER FACE!!!!!  She is a good one, that woman.  Paula Bengsten might have someone to compete with.
I love you, little turkey.  The next time you PONDER LOVE, it will be in Poland!!!!! J

P.S. Hello to you too, Mr. Yang.

P.P.S. Helen is quite affronted that she did not get to travel to Poland with you.  We will be having a family meeting as soon as you return.

The Polish flag.

Friday, January 1, 2016

To the one who travels the world...

To the one who travels the world,

1.       It took me several hours to figure out my name and password for this blog.  I am obviously too obstinate to simply create a new account.  After painstakingly guessing different combinations of usernames and passwords, receiving verification emails and text messages, and updating the template and background of my blog, here is the new and improved Ponder Love Today.

2.   FYI

3. I changed the password to laureleyer. (Feel free to blog back....My email is know that some old man in China might end up reading what you write.)
RULES: Do NOT change the background of my blog or I will sleep in your bed naked every night while you are gone!!!!!

4. You and the man from China are probably the only two people in the world who read this blog.

Mr. Ying

¡Mi pequeño pavo!

 5.  I promise to pray for you everyday.

6.   I also will update this blog whilst you are away.  (Be ready to be smothered by my love.)

7.   Because I know you love this... (I am a link)

8.   But seriously.  Number 5.

9.   Let me know when you can Skype.

10.  Finally, I do not apologize for any off key singing in the CD.