Sunday, January 3, 2016

Helen is Lonely.

It is 2 am in Poland, but I am not sure if you have quite made it there yet.  I don’t know how many connecting flights you had and how long it actually takes.

I prayed for you today in front of the Blessed Sacrament.  As soon as you left this morning I felt very lonely.  It’s a funny thing…loneliness.  I was washed with a kind of emptiness.  I have been experiencing this a lot lately, especially over Christmas break.  Loneliness is such an uncomfortable thing.  I feel awkward and restless.  So I sat in front of the Blessed Sacrament and let the loneliness happen.  I know the Lord joined me in my solitude today.  I prayed a rosary for your travels.  I pictured you on the plane practicing your deep breathing.  I hope you felt some peace from my prayers. 

After prayer I wandered around the basement of Nativity for a while.  (Again…I didn’t want to go home to an empty house.)  I found a nice little closet that leads into a tight corridor which runs along the inside of the church.  It is extremely warm because the furnace pipes line the wall.  I think I might go exploring there again soon. 

I am waiting for Lizzie to arrive any minute.  I am SO FLIPPIN EXCITED TO SEE HER FACE!!!!!  She is a good one, that woman.  Paula Bengsten might have someone to compete with.
I love you, little turkey.  The next time you PONDER LOVE, it will be in Poland!!!!! J

P.S. Hello to you too, Mr. Yang.

P.P.S. Helen is quite affronted that she did not get to travel to Poland with you.  We will be having a family meeting as soon as you return.

The Polish flag.

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