Monday, January 11, 2016

Casual Life Update.

Sometimes I get really discouraged at work.  I feel like I am not really doing anything to help the kids I work with.  I know I can have honorable intentions, but honorable intentions don't stop kids from doing what they want.  It's hard to visit the same kids day in and day out and feel like I am getting nowhere.  But on the other hand, it's not really fair for me to expect any of these kids to meet my goals and standards.  Still, I feel like I waste my time trying to encourage and build up these teens who tune me out.  I don't sit and lecture them...I really do try to engage in conversation...but more often then not they end up skipping school and getting into trouble regardless of anything I do.  I am slowly learning how little I am.  (I used to think I liked the feeling of littleness.)  In actuality, I like being the hero.  I like feeling like I have "saved" someone.  God is teaching me I cannot save; I can only love.

Grrrrrr....real life lessons. ;)

In other news, I went home for the weekend.  My uncle's 50th birthday was this week so my mom organized a family train ride.  We took the amtrak from Winona to Lacrosse (about a 20 minute ride).  The kids had a blast!  Lucas ran after a large black man screaming "Daddy!"  (Classic Lucas.  Just goes to show what my brother looks like at a glance.).  He also wouldn't leave the cat alone and got scratched in the face.  I asked Jack what happened and he told me Lucas got the owie from him.  Liar.

Lucas' battle wounds.

I got to spend quite a bit of time with Evelyn.  She is pretty mobile these days and such a squirmer.  This made Mass rather difficult on Sunday.  She grabbed my dress at one point when she was sitting on my lap.  Then I stood up and lifted her to my hip....up came the dress.  #awkward.

Paul had a cold this weekend and got snot over everything.  Rose had a couple of bloody noses as well.  (She also kept checking her tummy at the restaurant trying to see if it was getting any bigger.)  Bella let me tie a balloon in her hair during Thomas' baptism party.  She looked like one of those cell phone commercials where you can track your family and friends' locations.

Last night I had a sleepover with Megan Hastings.  It was so good to see her.  She just got back from her trip to Rome.  She made calzones, I dyed her hair, we gave each other back rubs, and we ended up sleeping in her roommate’s bed.  I slept like a baby.  It was so warm.

Jesus has been pulling me close.  I pray for you constantly.  Don't worry about responding back to me.  I am not really sure if you read these blog posts, but I guess I will find out eventually. :)  Two more rosaries and two more masses for you, my dear. ++++

Live FEARLESS and FREE and Ponder Love Today!

P.S. Los Vikingos perdimos L  Fue triste.  Thomas lloró.

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