Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Día Número 16

It's time.

I have officially given up on spelling the words in Spanish. Not because I can't, but because I am way too tired for that sort of focus right now! So much for summer; I've been doing just as much homework now that I'm home as I did at school! Anna and Sarah have me working hard and I've proofread and corrected (in depth) about 40 pages in the last two days!

Here's my brief news for the day:
One of the cats (Sir Shout) has developed a love for the plant you gave me. In fact, whenever we leave him unattended, he jumps up on the counter and starts to chew off the ends! We have made the decision to move Nikita Junior into my bathroom by the window in an attempt to out maneuver the cat, but things aren't looking good if Scout continues his escapades.

Also, Anna had a soccer game in the cities, so my dad and I drove down and worked on a crossword the whole way, which was a nice bonding time. I'm glad I get to spend the summer home with them! However, as of yet, I have not been able to sleep in a single day, and I just want to rest! As glad as I am that my family is interested in my life, especially the convent in my future, they each have asked me about it in depth and individually so far, so I've had to answer questions about the minute details of my hopes, dreams, and religious convictions with all of them. Aka I am tired and just want to sleep.

Finally, I talked to McKaela today, who is so excited to receive your card! Many people here love you and are praying for you!

Ponder love today! (Pictures coming tomorrow if I remember)

Monday, May 30, 2016

I remember!

I wanted to tell you how delighted I was to receive your phone call today!!!
What a magical thing! It took all of my self control not to hit redial immediately, because it's not your phone, international calls aren't cheap, and my cabin gets terrible reception (which is why I didn't hear the call come in)! However, I am pretty proud of myself for recognizing the +44 area code as Spain on sight, and when I said out loud, "That's odd! Who could be calling me from Spain?" My mother immediately piped in with an "Oh! That must be Sarah!" That's when I peed myself, and then started listening to your message on repeat until my thumb slipped and I accidentally deleted it!
Should another opportunity arise, I will try and keep my phone near me to answer, and I should have better reception now that I'm home! If not, no worries! Enjoy being unconnected and walking, and I will be praying from here! :)

Ps it is totally fine, by the way, if you aren't reading these! I just wanted to make sure you know how much I love you, and the blog seemed like the most appropriate way to convey that whilst you travel Europe!

Día Número Quince

Well hey!
By any chance did you have a terrible or difficult day? Perhaps a painful knee or a low mood? I'm at a loss to account for the obscene stomach ache that claimed 5 hours of my day after only a light lunch of strawberries and a sandwich, so I'm wondering if the origin was spiritual! Either way, it was all offered up for you (the stomach ache, the head aches, and the many times I ended up stubbing my toe today!) Hope it eased your Camino a bit, so that you can proceed in prayer and love!

Before the tummy hit, though, I had an eventful morning. We made it through 4 Harry Potter movies, and my parents and I went kayaking across the lake! Rumor has it that my tan is developing nicely, and soon, my face will be darker then my hair. Actually, a little known fact about me is that I have an uncanny ability to bronze without trying in the summertime! Though Maddie wore little to no sunscreen and laid out all day in Florida, I am still tanner, despite constant sunscreen application and frequent refuge in the shade. Beyond that, the sun bleaches my hair, so that gets blonder, my few freckles come out, and my blue eyes stand out more against my bronze face! It's all very nice.

Also, because of Memorial Day, I've had a bit of difficulty sending McKaela's letter, but it should be there soon, perhaps a day or two late, but I plan to send her a Happy Birthday text tomorrow with a picture of the envelope and the words "get excited :)"

Most importantly, I am finally home and my plant is still alive! That's right, Nikita Junior is still green and healthy!

I think I wanted to say something else too, but I'm very tired and I forget what it was!
Anyways, I love you!

Ponder love today!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Día Número Catorce

Happy Corpus Christi Sunday!

Only have a couple of minutes of signal now, but just so you know Real Madrid beat Atletico Madrid on penalty kicks after overtime play! Also, today we are at the cabin having a Harry Potter movie marathon!

"Yer a wizard, Harry!"

Also, do you know the deal with indulgences? Probably, but just in case, since most people avoid the subject, I thought I should clarify!

You are in prime time for an indulgence on a pilgrimage during the Year of Mercy! All you have to do is make sure you walk through all the Holy Doors you can find, go to confession as often as you can (aim for once every two weeks, is that's possible), pray for the intentions of the Holy Father, and recite the creed! Oh yeah, and make sure to receive Holy Communion as often as you can for the intentions you brought with you, for the remission of temporal punishment for sin, and for the holy souls in purgatory! Easy peasy, and you'll come out of it with boatloads of grace, because Jesus loves to give His children extra through the means of the Church!

Ponder love today!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Día Número Trece

Writing from the airport, about to board! Don't worry; I'll have Laxen's birthday card sent when I get home and Anne's card is also ready to go when the time comes!

Last morning in Florida was spent doing beach front yoga and finishing my fourth book of the trip! If I time things right, I should have number 5 done by the time the plane lands in Minnesota :)

I'm definitely ready to be home at the cabin in a low maintenance environment! Just the lake and the fire and the food in the fridge. I would not survive much longer on that resort, and I already find myself more irritable now that I'm gone. The airport is seriously lacking silence and solitude and the frustrations of traveling are getting to me. Usually, I'm a bit more chill, but after a week of having to pay too much for everything, I'm trying to get by now without another coffee and all of the small inconveniences are testing my patience. My sunburn is also a contributing factor to my growing discontent, and I'm nearly desperate to get back to a chapel and a lake. But alas, it will be at least 6 hours before I can breathe easy again!

I hope you are a good traveler and the journey isn't taxing you! It looks from your pictures like the roads are beautiful, but perhaps lacking the solitude and quiet that you were dreaming of? If so, I'll add patience and forbearance to my list of prayers for you, and I hope you're getting enough time to yourself each day!

This is a bit disjointed and probably entirely coherent, due primarily to my distracting environment and the frequent interruptions of the overhead speakers. Apparently, the idea of quiet was so repulsive to the airport designers that they felt the need to add a full sound system to the airport so that music will always be playing. Between that and the conversations and crying babies all around me, I can't wrap my head around my book, so I'm left to blog and hope that it makes some sense!

Alright, almost time to board! But for your further education before I go, please know that the Champions League final is today (aka the all-Europe championship), starting in just half of an hour, and all of Spain will be talking about it! Both teams are from Madrid (Real vs Atletico), and though odds slightly favor Real Madrid, it should be an exciting game! Maybe you'll even get a chance to watch it, and draw from the abundant education about soccer that I passed onto you this semester! :)

Ponder love today.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Día Número Doce

The Spanish numbers are starting to look weirder and weirder, and no doubt soon I will need to start looking the spelling up, but I have decided to press on!

The date and time stamp are off on this one because I became enraptured in a marvelous book, and I couldn't put it down until I had finished all 437 pages!! (Spoiler alert: Darcy and Elizabeth get married!) Maddie was kind enough to indulge me, even though she's exhausted after our last day on the resort!

We woke up with morning yoga on the beach to remind me that no, I cannot touch my toes for longer than a second without pulling a muscle or defying nature. Fortunately, the pseudo nap that ended the stretching session relaxed me enough to continue with our long day of frisbee in the ocean and trying to herd large fish between my legs using only the tide and Maddie's ingenuity! We also played another game of corn hole, ending with the same close score from a couple days before, and befriended a French waiter before the day was done.

Speaking of France, I assume you've already passed into Spain, but I hope you enjoyed your few days in the magical land of never ending crepes and luxurious wine! Perhaps you only noted the size of the mountains as you passed over them, a fact which I imagine your body disliked, but even that would be enough to secure a solid love of the country unless some real harm had come your way! When you get back, you'll be able to join in my wistful remembrances of days spent in European bliss between French havens and Spanish hospitality.

Despite the busy day, I made sure to pray a rosary for you this morning, reflecting as attentively as I could on the sorrowful mysteries, and praying they weren't a description of your own journey! If they were, at least that road is in good company, and the good our Lord brings out of it is eternal!

Alright, well, tomorrow is a travel day, and Maddie will be furious if I don't rush to sleep! I might not get another post in for a couple days, depending on whether the cabin will allow me to any decent reception (but in a peaceful place like that, no reception is more a blessing than a burden!) I hope you are getting your share of silence, too, and

Ponder love today!

Ps it occurred to me as I remembered with pleasure the picture of your boots full of flowers that I need to thank you for your prayers and their fruits! I've felt incredible these past weeks and been more myself than I have in a very long time! Looking back at the timing, the peace came as you were setting off on your pilgrimage, and I have no doubt that my prayers for healing were answered! So much love and gratitude, forever in Christ.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Día Número Once

Hola mi peregrina! 
Have you come across that phrase yet? It means "pilgrim" or "traveler," and you, my friend, have already done a lot of traveling! Your first week is supposedly the hardest and you have finished it! The worst is over and I hope your knee and group are no worse for the wear! Even if they are, be assured of my continued prayers! Since life on the beach isn't too taxing, I'm offering up my sunburn (which is substantial despite my diligently applied sunscreen) for you, and I'm praying for you too! 

Today, we went on a boat to an island with a sunken fort where we went snorkeling! There were many fishes and I became one with the fishes. Thousands of minnows were circling around my body and bigger fish swam below in flower-like reefs. You could swim in and out of the concrete walls that  had long ago sunk into the sand bar. 

Also, I've had multiple smores every day, and I will certainly miss them when I'm gone! I was reflecting on how annoying the rest of the resort is, with overpriced food and traps for tourists money; you can even spend $20 to have a super sized fruity alcoholic drink delivered to your cabana. I'm grateful to my mom for her generosity in sending us here, but it is clearly a place where money reigns and your happiness is dependent on how much you are willing to spend! Around the campfire, though, there's a place of much simpler joy and sincere laughter! That's my favorite place here, and I'll kind of miss the other kids that are "regulars" there like me :)

I love you (with a delightfully simple love)!
On your trails and with your group, ponder love today!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Día Número Diez

Alrighty! I am now caught up on my blogs!

I hope you are doing well, and whether or not you get a chance to read them, I hope my blogs remind you how much I love you, and how grateful I am for your similar prayers while I was in Poland.

However, I will admit that I have not been as diligent in my prayers as I planned to be! I hope your knee has not been any worse for it, but I will be trying harder in the coming days, and I've got a rosary coming your way soon!

I am sad that as long as I am in Florida, I can't add any pictures to my posts! Furthermore, after Florida, I will be spending some time at my cabin where the Internet will be sketchy at best, but after that, when I'm finally home, get ready for some gifs :)

I bet you are rocking the Camino life, and no matter how easy or hard it gets,

Ponder love today!

Día Número Nueve

After close investigation, I did indeed forget to blog on Monday! Here I am, very repentant, and writing to you from the comfort of my hotel room during a late lunch!

I don't have much to contribute now, except my continued prayers and my success in cheating the resort system! We made a grocery run for all of our breakfasts and lunches, so we are sitting pretty on a pile of bagels and peanut butter! We indulge in dinner with pleasant results like last night and we saved the rest of our budget for snorkeling, which is scheduled for tomorrow at 9am!

This afternoon I will try and convince Maddie to play some games with me, but she is still a little bitter since I beat her at corn hole yesterday by a single point after a long comeback!

I hope you are doing well, I hope your knee is behaving, and I hope you are successful as the "chill" person in the group!

Ponder love today!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Día Número Ocho

Hello. My name is not Inigo Montoya and you did not kill my father. That said, I hope you do not die!

Almost forgot to blog tonight but remembered last minute! (Did I forget last night? I hope not!)

It's super hard to remember in Florida because Maddie and I keep super weird hours. Today, I ate 2 smores, had the best dinner of my life, saw a 6 foot, lime green eel, went kayaking on the ocean, and slid down a 3 story slide.

Maddie was confused when I said it was the best dinner, because I have traveled so much, but I reminded her that I traveled on a college students budget, and while Chipotle in Paris was magical, it could never beat the majesty that was my Pan-Seared Grouper Picatta with a Parmesan risotto and beautifully paired spinach tonight. My mouth is still watering from the beauty of that sauce, plus it came with FREE BREAD! Hopefully, you are enjoying the Spanish tapas and wine over there! Try a "tortilla de patatas" if you remember, which roughly translates into a "potato omelette" but is far more tasty than mere potatoes and eggs!

The sunset was great and my books are wonderful. We are both burnt despite desperate and nearly constant applications of sunscreen, but we have survived so far in the death heat!

I hope you are not as cold as I am hot all the time, and I'm still praying!

Ponder love today!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Día Número Siete

I am now in Florida on the beach with my sister and I'm very tired from being in the sun all day! We had Pizza Hut for dinner (with Cinnamon Stix!!) and the weather is in the mid-80s and the only downside is that Maddie keeps making me take the stairs!

I also had to use your phone number to verify that it really is "you" because it doesn't believe that I am in Florida after you signed in in Europe, so it may lock us both out any time now!

Assuming it lets me back on, I will tell you about the magical parts of this resort, and know that as I lay on the beach, I'm praying for you as you're walking!

Ponder love today!

Día Número Seis


I missed my blog last night because I lost my phone checking into the hotel on my way to Florida and I didn't have my laptop, but here is day 6! Graduation day!!

I did super good, once again, and I got an aisle seat so when everyone walked back to their seats after their name was called, I got to give them a fist bump and a "congrats" so I felt like I adequately said goodbye to everyone!

I'll miss Colleen and Anne but they are stupendous and we had a good day! One last WINE GLASS SUNDAY, even though it was Saturday, and now I'm moved out and in the airport to go to Florida!

Also, it was 1000 degrees at graduation yesterday and everybody cleared out once their kids name was called and all the graduates just had to keep sitting there in our black caps and gowns. Then, the ceremony let out at 4:50 and my family booked it to mass at Nativity at 5pm! The two sisters in high heels were not happy about that!! I got to see Mike one last time and introduce him to my family, and he kissed everyone except my mom, who later expressed her disappointment that she did not get a kiss!! Anyways, I was very glad and peaceful about graduating, and I'm ready to move on (with my friends, of course)!

Colleen successfully hugged Dr. Sullivan and her whole family showed up with her face on Popsicle sticks to hold during the ceremony. Anne and her family went back to our house afterwards and had pizza and beer in the shade of what turned into a beautiful evening!

Ok we are about to board, but before I go, I wanted to tell you about the magical moment in confession earlier this week when Fr. Smith prayed, I kid you not, for "the hopes and dreams of my cells" so that they would grow correctly and not inside out!! Reflect on that for a little while, and

Ponder Love Today!! (So many prayers for you, your knee, and your group!)

Saturday, May 21, 2016

:) oh hey

I love you so much.  So so much.  You are probably at graduation right now and I am just getting ready for bed but continue to pray for you.  My body hurt pretty bad this afternoon...my knees are holding up though, so I owe that to your faithful prayers.  I am so grateful for your small acts of offerings!  Thank you for  being the best friend I could ask for.
If I could ask for one more prayer request....the dynamics of our group are difficult and we are already struggling with patience.


p.s. Cats.  There are cats everywhere!!!!!
P.p.s. The stupid blog won't let me upload pictures from my phone because I have to have an app or something.  So check to email!

Ponder the love of Christ today with every step.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Día Número Cinco

I might start just using numbers instead of spelling out the words soon, because I'm 3% sure I'm mixing up the Spanish, Italian, and Polish in my head...

Sorry this is after midnight! I was on a roll with just making until tonight! Meg had a bonfire for her birthday after the Baccalaureate Mass, and I forgot to bring the plant!! So, instead of coming home to write the blog, I came home to pick up the plant and then bring that back to Meg's and then drive back here, whereupon midnight passed me by.

He is excited about the flowers, though! Also, Ali is at our house tonight, and I definitely forgot she was going to be here. Probably should have left the fire early to catch her before she fell asleep, but oh well! I'll see her tomorrow morning, I guess!

I move out tomorrow, which I am very mentally ready for, but very unprepared practically for... The living room is strewn with boxes and bags and things I keep remembering to pack. One thing that I was super on top of was the letter to the convent, which I tracked via UPS and it arrived yesterday at 1:41 pm.

AKA Lizzie would have been praying for you on your first day of walking!! Congratulations!! I am so proud of you, and I hope the Pyrenees mountains were beautiful!!

Ok, I need to go to bed, because I graduate tomorrow, and I have to wake up early to finish packing, but here are some highlights from the day so that you stay in-the-know:

  1. I did super good at baccalaureate!
  2. Colleen got explosive diarrhea, and it was kind of hilarious, but mostly sad.
  3. Anne's grandma Marge is the most magical human I have ever met. 
  4. I accurately prophesied 4 whole things today, so feel free to hail me as a prophet!
  5. I am so ready for tomorrow, but I wish I could share it with you.
Know of my prayers and love, and tomorrow, remind me to upload some majestic pictures from Anne's youth. That's right... Get ready for dimples!!

And don't forget, amidst your sore muscles and first day jitters, to ponder love today. 

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Día Número Cuatro

Hey you! You Camino walker you. I'm so happy that you are starting to walk!

I've been praying for your knee, and at Mass today, which I offered for you, I tried to only kneel on my left knee so that I would be in solidarity with your pain. I hung out with Shehan tonight who reiterated that yes, the first week is the hardest.

At Mass, I also saw Mike (probably for the last time) and he was very excited to tell me that you had made sure to go to the Mass on Monday morning so that you could see him before you left. He said he had been worried that you weren't going to come, because he knew you were busy, but he was so happy when he saw you there!

I did good today, too, and I am feeling very ready to leave. I have no one left that I really want to say goodbye to, except Meg, and I am so excited to be done.

But, I'll end here because I am very tired after two long days, and tomorrow, I have to get up early to pack and clean!

As you start your walk, ponder love today.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Día Número Tres

Hola! You are officially in Europe and I am so happy for you! I hope Dublin is wonderful and that you find the Irish man from the CD that I gave you.

So, I have some good news and I have some bad news.

The bad news is that Colleen cracked the last standing crystal glass that you gave me from your mom's collection.

The good news is that you would be SO proud of me!

Today, I stepped out and asked Joe and Megan to pray over me for healing and peace. Then, I went to confession, and so did Kelly, and I kept my cool and stayed in line and didn't even panic when she walked within 1 foot of me. Then, I went (calmly) to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts and looked at pretty paintings and sculptures and drank some fancy chardonnay whilst studying for my last final. Then, I found out that I aced my other final and the teacher asked to copy my test for other students to look at as an example of an excellent exam. Then, I showered and put on a dress and went to the Catholic Studies banquet and stayed there for several hours even after Kelly arrived. Then, after all of that, I still had enough energy left to go to Old Chicago with Colleen's Rome group and eat pretzel bites while telling Ellen Mathiowetz all of my funny stories. In other words, I'm on cloud nine!!!

I kind of wish that you were here to hear it all in person, but I also know how much you are praying for me, especially this week, and how much I owe to those prayers. 

I am praying for you too, and I can't wait for you to start walking. I miss you a lot, but I'm also doing really well!

Now, it's late and I have another exam tomorrow (my last one) so I need to go to bed. As I'm drifting off, I will make sure that I...

Ponder love today.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Día Número Dos


Camp Rock is on Netflix!!!

That's right, my girl Demi and all her peeps are jamming on my computer screen, and it is magical.

Also, I totally destroyed my exam and aced the paper for New Testament, so only one to go!

Even better: I got our letters to the Sisters of Life sent off with all of the stamps that the could ever need!

In other words, a lot of wonderful things have danced into my life to numb the gaping hole of your absence. None of them are All-State dancers, but I will take what I can get! ;)

Prayed a rosary for you today, and I'm so excited for you on the start of your adventure. Whether it's full of laughter or tears, I am so glad you are there!

Ponder love today.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Día Número Uno

Here we are.
Colleen, Anne, and I just got home, and you are not here.

For the record, I was the rock making sure the car didn't crash on the way back while Anne and Colleen cried a little bit.

But I love you.

I'm so proud of you.

I'm excited for you.

I will be praying for you every day.

And tonight, as I'm going to bed, I will ponder Love.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

And I will walk 500 miles...

I love you.
I am learning rapidly that I am not very good at blogging.
Raven would not be impressed.
But then again, how much do I care about the opinion of a television psychic??
Oh yeah. A lot. 
Shoutout to dramatic irony...
But here's my best go. 
I didn't have time to put together a super thoughtful present or write a well-scripted letter, because I was too busy whining about the next week. I wish that I would have spent less time crying and more time saying that I love you, because I do.
I am so excited that you are going to walk the Camino, and that you get to visit Rome, and that you get to walk into the lives of the hundreds of kids who you will meet on NET. I am also really proud of you for making all of those things happen. We don't place much stock in the word "deserve" in Christianity, but in a lot of ways, you deserve the next month and whatever joys and trials it will bring. Having waited as patiently and humbly as you did, your heart could not be more ready for a shower of graces. I sincerely pray that it will be a life-giving year (and also that your knee will hold strong). 
For the record, Northern Spain looks something like this:
Feel free to be uber excited about that view. In the meantime, everyone else on the Camino gets to bask in the glory of this gem:

For your mother's sake, I will pray diligently for your safe and speedy return, because we all know that the Spaniards will be begging you and your magical pants to stay with them and bring honor to their people. 
But what the Spaniards don't understand is that the pants could never stay away for long.

Because back home is the sisterhood, and the sisterhood is for life, no matter how much distance comes between them in the meantime.

Thank you for always loving me. Thank you for supplementing my basic nutritional needs. Thank you for always being patient. Thank you for letting me wear your pants to my first day of classes. Thank you for teaching me so much about love. Thank you for initiating me into the dramatic world of pancake tasting. Thank you for always showing me what true humility looks like, and thank you, most of all, for Helen. 

Just kidding. Down with Helen. Up with the pants.
Jes ma'am. That is the kind of class with which I will waltz into graduate school (except with more pink and less makeup).
Thank goodness I had my best friend to get me there. 
Because who else could speak words of inspiration with so much sass??
Oh yeah. A youngest child. 
#nosering #rebel #koolaidinclass #bringbackthebraces #throwbacktohotmail #friendiversary

Fortunately, I have my moments, too.
Wise, wise words, my friend.
And Colleen and Anne show up every once in a while...
I felt like the super dramatic scenes were the way to go here. 
And all together, we are the merriest band of losers.
Thank goodness for that. 
But all of this is coming to a close and a new chapter is opening...
And what a magical new chapter it will be! Let's hope it's at least a little bit like the last:
So... this was my really inadequate attempt to say "I love you" and "thank you" and "goodbye for now." None in these things were conveyed at the depth that I mean them, but I do mean them at the profoundest depth. If I wasn't so sure that I will see you again, I would be devastated by the poor quality of this blog post in comparison to the breadth of your love and letters for me. I think it's probably a good thing that words can't do our relationship justice, because words only go so far, and our relationship goes much farther. Hopefully, it will even be the kind of relationship that opens at the close.
And with our boy Harry, I'll sign off, wishing I had said a thousand more things and knowing that I will never be able to say them the way that I want to. I'm tearing up a little bit now, which could be because I think I just drank a bug in my coffee, but it is far more likely because I'm going to miss you so much. So, so much.

When your shoes look like this, think of me, and I'll be praying for you, too. 

All of the love and forever in Christ. 
Your pequito pavo, 
Laurel Fallulah Eyer

P.S. I'm actually sobbing now, and it is definitely not from the bug. I am sorry in advance for balling when you leave.