Monday, May 30, 2016

I remember!

I wanted to tell you how delighted I was to receive your phone call today!!!
What a magical thing! It took all of my self control not to hit redial immediately, because it's not your phone, international calls aren't cheap, and my cabin gets terrible reception (which is why I didn't hear the call come in)! However, I am pretty proud of myself for recognizing the +44 area code as Spain on sight, and when I said out loud, "That's odd! Who could be calling me from Spain?" My mother immediately piped in with an "Oh! That must be Sarah!" That's when I peed myself, and then started listening to your message on repeat until my thumb slipped and I accidentally deleted it!
Should another opportunity arise, I will try and keep my phone near me to answer, and I should have better reception now that I'm home! If not, no worries! Enjoy being unconnected and walking, and I will be praying from here! :)

Ps it is totally fine, by the way, if you aren't reading these! I just wanted to make sure you know how much I love you, and the blog seemed like the most appropriate way to convey that whilst you travel Europe!

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