Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Día Número Nueve

After close investigation, I did indeed forget to blog on Monday! Here I am, very repentant, and writing to you from the comfort of my hotel room during a late lunch!

I don't have much to contribute now, except my continued prayers and my success in cheating the resort system! We made a grocery run for all of our breakfasts and lunches, so we are sitting pretty on a pile of bagels and peanut butter! We indulge in dinner with pleasant results like last night and we saved the rest of our budget for snorkeling, which is scheduled for tomorrow at 9am!

This afternoon I will try and convince Maddie to play some games with me, but she is still a little bitter since I beat her at corn hole yesterday by a single point after a long comeback!

I hope you are doing well, I hope your knee is behaving, and I hope you are successful as the "chill" person in the group!

Ponder love today!

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