Sorry this is after midnight! I was on a roll with just making until tonight! Meg had a bonfire for her birthday after the Baccalaureate Mass, and I forgot to bring the plant!! So, instead of coming home to write the blog, I came home to pick up the plant and then bring that back to Meg's and then drive back here, whereupon midnight passed me by.
He is excited about the flowers, though! Also, Ali is at our house tonight, and I definitely forgot she was going to be here. Probably should have left the fire early to catch her before she fell asleep, but oh well! I'll see her tomorrow morning, I guess!
I move out tomorrow, which I am very mentally ready for, but very unprepared practically for... The living room is strewn with boxes and bags and things I keep remembering to pack. One thing that I was super on top of was the letter to the convent, which I tracked via UPS and it arrived yesterday at 1:41 pm.
AKA Lizzie would have been praying for you on your first day of walking!! Congratulations!! I am so proud of you, and I hope the Pyrenees mountains were beautiful!!
Ok, I need to go to bed, because I graduate tomorrow, and I have to wake up early to finish packing, but here are some highlights from the day so that you stay in-the-know:
- I did super good at baccalaureate!
- Colleen got explosive diarrhea, and it was kind of hilarious, but mostly sad.
- Anne's grandma Marge is the most magical human I have ever met.
- I accurately prophesied 4 whole things today, so feel free to hail me as a prophet!
- I am so ready for tomorrow, but I wish I could share it with you.
Know of my prayers and love, and tomorrow, remind me to upload some majestic pictures from Anne's youth. That's right... Get ready for dimples!!
And don't forget, amidst your sore muscles and first day jitters, to ponder love today.
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