Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Día Número Diez

Alrighty! I am now caught up on my blogs!

I hope you are doing well, and whether or not you get a chance to read them, I hope my blogs remind you how much I love you, and how grateful I am for your similar prayers while I was in Poland.

However, I will admit that I have not been as diligent in my prayers as I planned to be! I hope your knee has not been any worse for it, but I will be trying harder in the coming days, and I've got a rosary coming your way soon!

I am sad that as long as I am in Florida, I can't add any pictures to my posts! Furthermore, after Florida, I will be spending some time at my cabin where the Internet will be sketchy at best, but after that, when I'm finally home, get ready for some gifs :)

I bet you are rocking the Camino life, and no matter how easy or hard it gets,

Ponder love today!

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