Thursday, May 19, 2016

Día Número Cuatro

Hey you! You Camino walker you. I'm so happy that you are starting to walk!

I've been praying for your knee, and at Mass today, which I offered for you, I tried to only kneel on my left knee so that I would be in solidarity with your pain. I hung out with Shehan tonight who reiterated that yes, the first week is the hardest.

At Mass, I also saw Mike (probably for the last time) and he was very excited to tell me that you had made sure to go to the Mass on Monday morning so that you could see him before you left. He said he had been worried that you weren't going to come, because he knew you were busy, but he was so happy when he saw you there!

I did good today, too, and I am feeling very ready to leave. I have no one left that I really want to say goodbye to, except Meg, and I am so excited to be done.

But, I'll end here because I am very tired after two long days, and tomorrow, I have to get up early to pack and clean!

As you start your walk, ponder love today.

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