Sunday, May 15, 2016

And I will walk 500 miles...

I love you.
I am learning rapidly that I am not very good at blogging.
Raven would not be impressed.
But then again, how much do I care about the opinion of a television psychic??
Oh yeah. A lot. 
Shoutout to dramatic irony...
But here's my best go. 
I didn't have time to put together a super thoughtful present or write a well-scripted letter, because I was too busy whining about the next week. I wish that I would have spent less time crying and more time saying that I love you, because I do.
I am so excited that you are going to walk the Camino, and that you get to visit Rome, and that you get to walk into the lives of the hundreds of kids who you will meet on NET. I am also really proud of you for making all of those things happen. We don't place much stock in the word "deserve" in Christianity, but in a lot of ways, you deserve the next month and whatever joys and trials it will bring. Having waited as patiently and humbly as you did, your heart could not be more ready for a shower of graces. I sincerely pray that it will be a life-giving year (and also that your knee will hold strong). 
For the record, Northern Spain looks something like this:
Feel free to be uber excited about that view. In the meantime, everyone else on the Camino gets to bask in the glory of this gem:

For your mother's sake, I will pray diligently for your safe and speedy return, because we all know that the Spaniards will be begging you and your magical pants to stay with them and bring honor to their people. 
But what the Spaniards don't understand is that the pants could never stay away for long.

Because back home is the sisterhood, and the sisterhood is for life, no matter how much distance comes between them in the meantime.

Thank you for always loving me. Thank you for supplementing my basic nutritional needs. Thank you for always being patient. Thank you for letting me wear your pants to my first day of classes. Thank you for teaching me so much about love. Thank you for initiating me into the dramatic world of pancake tasting. Thank you for always showing me what true humility looks like, and thank you, most of all, for Helen. 

Just kidding. Down with Helen. Up with the pants.
Jes ma'am. That is the kind of class with which I will waltz into graduate school (except with more pink and less makeup).
Thank goodness I had my best friend to get me there. 
Because who else could speak words of inspiration with so much sass??
Oh yeah. A youngest child. 
#nosering #rebel #koolaidinclass #bringbackthebraces #throwbacktohotmail #friendiversary

Fortunately, I have my moments, too.
Wise, wise words, my friend.
And Colleen and Anne show up every once in a while...
I felt like the super dramatic scenes were the way to go here. 
And all together, we are the merriest band of losers.
Thank goodness for that. 
But all of this is coming to a close and a new chapter is opening...
And what a magical new chapter it will be! Let's hope it's at least a little bit like the last:
So... this was my really inadequate attempt to say "I love you" and "thank you" and "goodbye for now." None in these things were conveyed at the depth that I mean them, but I do mean them at the profoundest depth. If I wasn't so sure that I will see you again, I would be devastated by the poor quality of this blog post in comparison to the breadth of your love and letters for me. I think it's probably a good thing that words can't do our relationship justice, because words only go so far, and our relationship goes much farther. Hopefully, it will even be the kind of relationship that opens at the close.
And with our boy Harry, I'll sign off, wishing I had said a thousand more things and knowing that I will never be able to say them the way that I want to. I'm tearing up a little bit now, which could be because I think I just drank a bug in my coffee, but it is far more likely because I'm going to miss you so much. So, so much.

When your shoes look like this, think of me, and I'll be praying for you, too. 

All of the love and forever in Christ. 
Your pequito pavo, 
Laurel Fallulah Eyer

P.S. I'm actually sobbing now, and it is definitely not from the bug. I am sorry in advance for balling when you leave. 


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