Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Día Número 44

At last! It's the moment I know you've been waiting for!!

That's right!

An update on all my bodily functions!!!!

If I'm lucky, maybe you'll even read this just before going to see the Pope! You can pass along the info if you want; Papa usually likes to hear how my uterus is doing!

Speaking of good ol' uteroy, it has once again beaten the drugs and I've had my period on and off for a couple days now, complete with complimentary cramps. What's that you say?? I had my period last week?? Yes, that's correct, but it decided to come back. Thanks for that, Uteroy.

The scars are healing nicely, except that they sometimes start stinging. I would appreciate it if my belly button smoothed out again, but that doesn't seem likely.

Interestingly, my left knee has been bugging me for a couple weeks. As usual, it's difficult to tell whether my basketball days are finally catching up with me, or God is simply promoting my solidarity with you on your Camino. That seems to be a trend.

Speaking of afflictions of a spiritual origin, my rash is back and spreading beautifully all over my body, mostly my legs. Since I also have 4 mosquito bites behind my knees, it is difficult to tell what itches more, but all of it itches much.

More in the line of solidarity, I popped in my retainer the other night for the first time in a year (I don't think I even brought it to college). It made me smile to remember you and your attachment to that piece of plastic, until that smile turned agonizing contortions as my teeth uprooted and meandered around my mouth.

It has also been a year since my last haircut, but I'm headed in for a trim on Friday! Who knows, though. I could go crazy and shave my head or get dreadlocks or something. The anticipation is exhilarating.

More seriously (but actually not serious at all), I believe I have contracted tetanus from an excess of physical labor. Whilst I was carrying an enormous couch to the car, my mother pushed me into the rusty exhaust pipe, but realistically, the bruise is more impressive than my exaggerated claims of tetanus...

Finally, I would like to end with a picture that should only be described as glorious...

Lol. Just kidding. That's nasty. I meant this:

Enjoy Papa and ponder love today. 

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